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Company and Charity News in Buckinghamshire

Charity Leaders Forum

Online Charity Leaders Forum – 12th May 2020 The Clare Foundation hosted an online charity leaders forum on 12th May bringing charity leaders together to discuss key issues facing the

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COVID-19 Volunteering Update

VCS & Council Coordinated Response The Clare Foundation are working in partnership with Buckinghamshire Council and a number of other charities as part of the county’s VCS coronavirus taskforce. This

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Easter Egg Competition Gallery

Big Bucks Easter Egg Colouring Competition Gallery Thank you to everyone who has taken part in the ‘Big Bucks Easter Egg Competition’. We’ve seen some fantastic designs and It has

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Big Bucks Easter Egg Competition

Let’s make Easter eggs-tra special! In partnership with Buckinghamshire Council, The Clare Foundation are running a ‘Big Bucks Easter Egg Competition’ for children across Buckinghamshire. Create your own egg-cellent Easter

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FREE Charity Webinar

‘Smart ways to manage remote working teams’ The Clare Foundation in conjunction with ‘Smarter not Harder’ are organising a webinar at 10am on 9th April for all local charities in

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Charity Newsletter – keeping you informed

Buckinghamshire Charity Update 3rd April 2020 In this weeks newsletter, you will find useful links that have been collated and created by The Clare Foundation team. We are currently working with other charities,

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What is CSR Accreditation?

CSR-Accreditation is a great way to pull together what you are already doing with regard to CSR. It helps you easily report on your organisations sustainable and community engagement. The

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Supporting Voices & Choices

The Clare Foundation was delighted to support the Board of Trustees from Voices and Choices – Bucks. We talked about bringing new Trustees into the fold, ensuring they’re aware of the

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Our upcoming events

We believe in continuous professional development and taking the time to think and reflect. In addition, learning from peers and experts in the field is key to organisational development. We

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Welcome to our new website

We are delighted to have launched our new website reflecting our new strategic direction. Our website that will continue to grow and become more comprehensive over the next few months.

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