Supporting Voices & Choices

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The Clare Foundation was delighted to support the Board of Trustees from Voices and Choices – Bucks. We talked about bringing new Trustees into the fold, ensuring they’re aware of the duties and responsibilities that goes with being a Trustee. 

Founder and Chair Barbara Poole shows her appreciation for our support, “We are most grateful for the ongoing support of The Clare Foundation, particularly around governance and appointing new Trustees. Moving into 2020 with a full complement of board members will give us the opportunity to grow and develop new programmes.”

“The year ahead is exciting for them, and their new Trustees will bring invigoration and energy which all Charities need.” says CEO of The Clare Foundation, Martin Gallagher. 

About Voices and Choices

Voices and Choices is a voluntary organisation working in Buckinghamshire with an aim to develop the capacity and skills of adults who, irrespective of their circumstances, require assistance to improve their quality of life and their choices over where they live and the services they receive.

Their volunteers provide information and advice to older people, people with disabilities or long term physical or mental health conditions (such as dementia).

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