Charity Leaders Forum

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Online Charity Leaders Forum – 12th May 2020

The Clare Foundation hosted an online charity leaders forum on 12th May bringing charity leaders together to discuss key issues facing the sector.

A select group of twenty charity leaders from across Buckinghamshire were invited to participate in a “conversation with Caron Bradshaw”. Caron is the Chief Executive Officer of the Charity Finance Group.

The session allowed for many questions to be asked of one of the country’s leading charity CEOs. The session covered a wide range of topics including:

  • Future funding opportunities after COVID-19 emergency funds.
  • Key recommendations for the positive changes in working and social practice that we should or even must retain for the future.
  • Do loans to charities have a role to survive and subsequently thrive in post COVID-19 world?
  • The government’s furlough scheme and how charities are coping.
  • Advice on how to deal with the constant adjustment in relation to managing expectations of staff and volunteers and human resources.
  • There are a considerable number of Charities in the not for profit sector who rely on income from, Trusts, Foundations, Corporates, Donors, Legacies, Statutory Bodies for all or a proportion of their income. This landscape is changing rapidly now, how do you see the short, medium and long terms? Do you see any opportunities arising from the changed landscape e.g. mergers, shared services, collaborative bidding etc..?   
  • The perceived threats and opportunities across the third sector in the next 5 years and whether leaders should be considering mergers, shared services and collaborative bidding in response to the pandemic.

“The opportunity to hear from Caron Bradshaw, CEO of the Charity Finance Group was much appreciated. Caron spoke about how Covid-19 is likely to affect the 3rd sector in the coming months and years. Her insights into the impact of economic fallout from the pandemic will be extremely helpful and discussions about current and future funding implications  and the importance of collaboration and partnerships to strengthen the sector, have given me much to think about in relation to strategic planning.” 

Charlie Powell, General Manager and Co-Founder of Lindengate Mental Health Charity

Following the success of the event we are currently looking at organising many more online forums over the next coming months.

The Charity Finance Group has been a leading organisation in coalescing the strategy to support the needs of charities across the country during the coronavirus outbreak. The significant shortfall in funding that charities anticipate they’ll endure in the months to come was a major topic of discussion. Critical care will have to be applied to the sector if it is to continue to sustain its work across a broad spectrum of delivery.

The CFG have created a coronavirus guide for charities, which can be accessed via their website:

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