Trustee Recruitment Masterclasses with Getting Onboard
Getting On Board specialise in helping charities to find the best possible volunteers to serve on charity boards. They also offer support and training to charities to improve their board recruitment, and on the other side of the coin help individuals and their employers to find the best possible opportunities.
The Clare Foundation and Getting on Board ran a series of five masterclasses in January 2021 focusing on how to recruit, retain and develop effective and diverse trustee board.

We had a fantastic turn out and would like to thank everyone who attended the sessions. Also a big thank you to Lynn Cadman at Getting on Board for leading the masterclasses.
Martin Gallagher, CEO of The Clare Foundation comments, “It has been a great learning curve or refresher for many of us over the past Winter months working in partnership with Getting on Board. Their insight, knowledge and practical methods about ‘getting’ new Trustees on your board was very engaging and I am grateful to Lynn Cadman who led the series and Helen Mee from TCF for pulling it altogether. I believe that those Buckinghamshire Charity Trustees and CEOs who attended have benefited greatly from the expertise, insight and useful tips that Lynn shared and that the various Q & A sessions as we progressed stimulated the thinking.”
Helen Mee, Head of Charity Operations at The Clare Foundation organised the Getting on Board masterclasses “It was fantastic to have Getting on Board working closely with us to deliver this series of masterclasses. Lynn shared some great practical tips and tools, and opened our eyes to the value of creating diverse and inclusive boards.”
The feedback that we have had following the masterclasses has been amazing.
“We’ve loved getting together every Thursday morning over 5 weeks with The Clare Foundation and a brilliant bunch of Bucks not-for-profit organisations to explore what great trustee recruitment looks like. I’ve really appreciated hearing the insights and ideas of all those taking part and hope that the masterclasses will inspire the organisations that took part to build even more diverse and inclusive boards of the future.”
“The series on Trustee Recruitment came at the right time for me as we are embarking on recruiting additional trustees for our charity. The series provided a range of useful resources and current thinking on best practice. The content was pitched for use in growing and developing charities, so was a good fit for the charity I represent. My thanks go to Helen at The Clare Foundation for making all the Zoom arrangements that worked smoothly and to Lynn (Getting on Board) for providing engaging and very useful information via her presentations.” Warren Koehler – Trustee at Gendered Intelligence.
“Thank you so much to the Clare Foundation for arranging, and Getting On Board for delivering, this excellent Masterclass programme on recruiting new Trustees to charity boards. It covered all aspects of the process brilliantly: skills audits, role descriptions, writing adverts and publicising them so they will reach a diverse audience, and last but not least carrying out thorough inductions. Our boards will definitely benefit from widening the pool of new committed trustees. Thank you again.” Jo Turner – CEO Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity & Director of the Hospice Lottery Partnership
The getting on board series of masterclasses are part of The Clare Foundations wider events programme to provide local charities with expert advice, tools and insights, particular focusing on any current challenges charities and community groups might be facing.
To find out more about our upcoming events, please visit our events page.