Harnessing the Power of Kindness in Leadership

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Charity Middle Leader Forum: Harnessing the Power of Kindness in Leadership

On Wednesday 20th May Fran Borg-Wheeler presented at our first Charity Middle Leader Forum. Fran discussed the Harnessing the Power of Kindness in Leadership. The topics covered were:

1) Embracing kindness as a leadership value

2) Practising kindness to yourself

3) Building a culture of kindness

After the session, attendees developed a greater understanding of the benefits of kindness as a leadership value; explored how to use kindness to build a happier and more effective team and how kindness can help you reach and engage more effectively with your beneficiaries. 

If you couldn’t make the event or want to refer back to the event content please find the recording below.


Do you work in the non-profit sector? Why not check out our upcoming free charity forums: https://theclarefoundation.org/charity-middle-leader-forums/.


Wednesday, 27th May is the first of 3 sessions focused on ‘Mental Health in the Workplace’, led by Sophia Hobbs from Buckinghamshire Mind. We only have 11 places left so we suggest booking early to reserve your spot. 

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