The Chilterns Dial-a-Ride

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Last year we provided seed funding to The Chilterns Dial-a-Ride when they needed to buy a minibus at short notice. Our grant helped them to leverage additional funding from a private donor and the purchase was completed in August 2023. 
The new minibus replaced an old and outdated one and includes two useful features. It is wide enough to accommodate today’s larger wheelchairs and has a higher roof for easier loading. It also has an electric tail lift which makes it much easier to load and unload wheelchairs and is a great help for passengers who have difficulty climbing aboard and getting off again.
Passenger journeys are now running at about 10,000 a year and demand for the service continues to climb.  Passenger fares are kept at a level which is and should remain affordable to them.
“Thank you The Clare Foundation for your timely help!”

David Ouvrey, Chairman, The Chilterns Dial-a-Ride

CDAR new minibus
CDAR new minibus

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