Restore Hope Receives FoodLife ‘Celebration Feasts’ Grant

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Restore Hope receives FoodLife ‘celebration feasts’ grant

Restore Hope is a Christian charity based in Latimer, Bucks. Their vision is to see lives and communities transformed by inspiring, training and equipping children, young people and families through a well-developed range of courses, family support and fun-filled activities.

Restore Hope

FoodLife Crisis Food Support

One of the ways they support families is through their FoodLife crisis food support initiative. This was started as a way to support families who had been impacted financially Covid-19 and is done by providing three types of food boxes:

1. A Dinner Is Served box which is an emergency pre-cooked frozen meal for families

2. An Emergency 3-4 Day Dry Food Box through a Foodbank

3. A Fresh Food box with fresh fruit & vegetables

FoodLife also includes the Hope Café, Community & Market Gardens, FoodLife courses and Celebration Feasts with Messages of Hope. One of Restore Hope’s values is to celebrate the successes of those they work with and use site grown food as part of their celebration events.

Last Christmas Restore Hope hosted 150 adults and children in receipt of the FoodLife crisis food support at two Celebration Feasts where they received a three course Christmas meal and gifts.

Grant Support

The Clare Foundation was able to support the Celebration Feasts by providing a grant to Restore Hope and we are pleased to see that everyone enjoyed the events.

‘You are prompt, proactive and reactive. A great resource for Bucks.’ Alison Greenhalgh, Hope Development Manager

You can read about the FoodLife initiative in full here:

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