One Can Trust Urgently Need More Street Heroes

Since 2011, One Can Trust has operated a foodbank based in High Wycombe, serving the town and the wider area in South Buckinghamshire. The Clare Foundation have been working closely with the One Can team since last October, when they kindly helped us to scope our hot food delivery service for people in need, designed to complement their existing food parcel provision. One Can collect over £280,000 worth of food every year from all over the community – they sort it, store it and create food parcels that have fed 68,647* adults and children. *up to the end of August 2020
Their Street Hero campaign has been hugely successful and has contributed a staggering amount of food since the beginning of the pandemic. As the charity look to bring another 100 families (identified by schools to the east of Wycombe) under the One Can wing by the end of February, there’s no two ways around it, they simply need more food.
Martin Gallagher, CEO of The Clare Foundation says, “The One Can Trust is a leading charity in southern Buckinghamshire, I have known their Chairperson Graham Peart for a number of years and and all those who work at One Can are dedicated people, hardworking and ready to serve in their community; their work to help the vulnerable and most in need now more than ever is critical, we have been very happy to work closely with Jo and her team at the office”

Could you set yourself a challenge and find at least one more Street Hero?
One Can Trust have 200 Street Heroes on their database. Not all are active but if each and every one found just one more Street Hero, they would be in a much stronger place!
“We have seen first-hand the important work that the One Can Trust do in High Wycombe and across South Bucks; they are supporting growing numbers of households due to the economic impact of Covid. They are providing an essential service and we are pleased to partner with them.”
“One Can responded quickly to the challenge when lockdown was first introduced last March, changing their operation overnight – they lost 80% of our work force due to age and vulnerability, all their hubs had to close, and the struggle for donations was very real due to panic buying. Since last March One Can have home delivered every parcel to clients – this has meant recruiting a team of volunteer drivers and increasing packing from just twice a week to 5 times a week.” says Helen Mee, Charity Services Manager at The Clare Foundation.
If you can help support this great charity or know someone who can, please reach out to them and email