Lunch & Learn with Sarah Leslie

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We were very pleased to host our first Charity Leader/CEO lunch forum at the beginning of March. Sarah Leslie, Founding Director of ndapt and one of our 2024 Angels, gave a presentation on Effective Relationships – The Value Of Trustee Collaboration to a group of invited CEOs and Trustees.

Sarah Leslie, Founding Director of ndapt:
“I realised driving home that often there aren’t times for charities and their trustees to come together outside of the day to day to think about how they work and interact to make
maximum impact, and inviting both charity CEOs and trustees really adds value.
I also have kept coming back to the diverse group, all striving to achieve great things for the people they support, but in such different ways – each tailored to those they support. That highlights the importance of differences and really drives home to me some of the things we discussed – understanding, communication and trust. In a world where we see challenges too often, yesterday was so uplifting in the difference every one of us can make, and I was delighted to have been part of it.”
Jo Belshaw (One Can Trust), Sarah Leslie & Clare Periton (TCF Trustee)
Jo Belshaw (One Can Trust), Sarah Leslie & Clare Periton (TCF Trustee)
Robin Walker (TCF Trustee) , Sarah Leslie & Tina Elder (One-Eighty Trustee)
Robin Walker (TCF Trustee) , Sarah Leslie & Tina Elder (One-Eighty Trustee)
Robin Walker, Chair of Trustees at The Clare Foundation:
We would like to extend our sincere appreciation for the time, expertise, and enthusiasm that Sarah Leslie brought to our CEO and Trustee event. Sarah’s background, experience, career and knowledge created much thought and stimulated the participants.
The feedback was overwhelmingly positivemany highlighted not only the invaluable insights they gained, but also the engaging and thought-provoking discussions that unfolded both during and after the session. Sarah’s presence truly energised the room, creating a dynamic and memorable experience for all involved. Thank you.

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