International Day of Older Persons
Today marks the 30th Anniversary of the International Day of Older Persons and The Clare Foundation are delighted to have been involved in a special event organised by Rotate who are a satellite of Amersham Rotary Club.
Rotate have put together special goodie bags to give away to elderly people in Amersham and surrounding areas today. The goodie bags comprise a specially commissioned booklet, home made biscuits, AGE UK magazine as well as a note pad and pen provided by The Clare Foundation.
The Clare Foundation are also working with national charity Your Simpal and a number of local delivery partners including BOPAG and Age UK Bucks to overcome social isolation through the use of digital devices.

They are offering smartphones and pre-paid SIM cards, or a Kraydel Konnect Hub device, to older adults who are not currently connected to the internet or don’t have a digital device to stay in touch with loved ones.
If your charity is in need of support, please contact, Charity Services Manager to see how we can help.