Heart of Bucks Funds Grants

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Bucks charities and groups can receive grants up to £5000

Heart of Bucks has two funds providing grants for Bucks charities and groups which are helping local residents during the COVID-19 pandemic:

  1. The Bucks Coronavirus Response Appeal is aimed at groups, charities and organisations in Buckinghamshire which are able to provide local support at this time of crisis. Grants of up to £5,000 can be applied for by groups protecting the most vulnerable at this time. 
  2. Grants from the national fund NET Coronavirus Appeal are being distributed in Buckinghamshire by Heart of Bucks. Grants of up to £5,000 can be applied for by local charities and grassroots organisations which are providing vital support to people at this difficult time in the quickest way possible.

To apply to either of these funds, or to read the eligibility criteria, look at Heart of Bucks’ Coronovirus Funds.

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