Family Angels Community Advocate Event

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We were delighted to hold a reception at The Beech House in Amersham to say thank you to our amazing Community Advocates who work so hard in their day-to-day jobs but also to refer families to us that are eligible for a Family Angels grant.

Everyone enjoyed refreshments and the chance to network and we were joined by our Founder and President, Mike Clare, and his wife Julie.

Mike’s speech included a brief history of The Clare Foundation, and his reason for setting up Family Angels, to help hard working families that have suffered a set back and need a hand to get back on their feet. The hope is that they will then pay this forward.

Mike Clare, Founder & President of The Clare Foundation:
“I’m both extremely grateful and proud of the fantastic work that our Community Advocates do on behalf of our Family Angels program. Their success at helping so many families is actually a very sad position that we find society in, with so many vulnerable families needing help. Therefore, I am both delighted and grateful for their time, their insight and all their help in working with the Family Angels Team to help those families. It was lovely to meet so many of them in person at our reception.”

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