We are very pleased to relaunch our CEO and Charity Leader Lunch Forums. These events allow attendees to network over lunch and include a talk by a guest speaker on a variety of subjects. Our first guest speaker was His Honour Judge Francis Sheridan DL, Honorary Recorder of Aylesbury, who steps down as Resident Judge at the Aylesbury Crown Court at the end of March 2023.

Chris Williams, Trustee and Chair of Charity Services Committee, The Clare Foundation
“A talk at a recent CEO lunch forum by Judge Francis Sheridan was very interesting, informative and as colourful as the pink sweater that he was wearing. Starting with his up-bringing and qualification in Ireland he then recounted some of the highlights of his judicial career. These included working on the Brink’s-Mat robbery case and the diversion of funds from forfeited monies under the Misuse of Drugs Act to make charitable contributions, which has raised over £1 million. Judge Sheridan will shortly be moving to St. Albans Crown Court but the quality of justice here in Bucks will remain at the high standard that he has set.”
Judge Francis Sheridan
“The first of these engagement meetings was a much enjoyed event that was well received by all who attended, so much so that it overran and could have gone on for the whole afternoon. It was a good start to the initiative to hold these meetings and bodes well for the future meetings.”
Our next CEO Lunch Forums are:
18th April – Rt Hon Sir David Lidington KCB CBE
David Lidington represented Aylesbury in the House of Commons for almost 28 years before retiring at the 2019 General Election.
After holding a number of shadow ministerial posts, he entered government in 2010 as Minister for Europe at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office with responsibility for more than 45 countries and territories. He represented the United Kingdom at the EU, NATO, OSCE, Council of Europe and UN Security Council.
He subsequently served as Leader of the House of Commons and Lord President of the Council, Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor, and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister for the Cabinet Office, in which last capacity he was also deputy to Prime Minister Theresa May.
David now serves as Chair of the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), the UK’s leading think tank on Defence, Security and Geopolitics, as a Trustee of the Institute for Government and UK Chair of the Koenigswinter Conference (UK/Germany) and the Aurora Forum (UK/Nordics and Baltics).
David is also a Trustee of The Clare Foundation.
Book here.
16th June – Bob Devine
Bob Devine is an Investment Consultant working with charities to help them make good decisions about investing charity funds. He established Charity Investment Services Limited in 2012 with written permission from the Charity Commission and has worked with five charities since the company was incorporated.
His background is in the financial services industry where he worked for ten years on the Stock Exchange, thirty years in investment banking as a director of capital markets with Barclays and Nat West, and ten years in asset management as a discretionary portfolio manager for charity clients at Ascourt Rowan Asset Management. Bob also worked for Oxford Economics for five years and the Bank of Nova Scotia in Toronto Canada for three years.
Book here.