Buckinghamshire Culture ‘Open Weekend’

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This summer celebrate Buckinghamshire’s creativity, culture and stories!

Join Buckinghamshire Culture for their ‘Open Weekend’ this Summer – we hope that you will all join in and help celebrate Buckinghamshire’s creativity, culture and stories!

The first ever Open Weekend for Buckinghamshire will take place over a long weekend 22-25 July (in celebration of Buckinghamshire Day) with the hope that it will become an annual event.  Open Weekend is an opportunity to showcase and celebrate the range and breadth of creativity and culture taking place in Buckinghamshire. 

In 2021, Open Weekend will have the theme of stories – sharing and celebrating stories of our residents in creative ways. The event will form part of a wider programme of Storytelling activity over the Summer. 

The idea is that organisations, artists/creatives, community centres, schools, businesses and Community Boards put on story-themed activity and events over this long weekend in July.  They will ‘badge’ existing and planned activity, alongside one-off events to showcase the range of creativity taking place in the county, and to encourage people to have a go. They want to show-off all the great creative and cultural activity going on in the local community.

This county-wide initiative will be a celebration of stories and creativity which aims to help you to re-engage with audiences, visitors and customers in the aftermath of lockdown.  As the town centres, high streets, shops, cafes and cultural venues re-open, they want to encourage people back to public spaces and cultural venues. 

Registration for events will open in May, so for now please express your interest and/or save the date!

You can find out more about Open Weekend and how to get involved on their website: www.buckinghamshireculture.org/open-weekend 

Online bookable information sessions will be held in March and April if you would like to find out more:

29th March, 2pm – 3pmhttps://bucks-open-weekend-1.eventbrite.co.uk 

1st April, 11am – 12pmhttps://bucks-open-weekend-2.eventbrite.co.uk 

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