A celebration of Bucks' charities

Our inaugural Angels’ Den was a great success. Hosted at the stunning Missenden Abbey, and bedecked with Christmas decorations and twinkling lights, this created an enchanting setting for a truly magical event.
Martin Gallagher, CEO, welcomed everyone and then handed over to our Founder, President and Angel, Mike Clare, who introduced the other Angels: George Anson, Simon Biltcliffe, Gary Grant and Matt Storey. We are very grateful to all of the Angels for their generous contribution of £10,000 each, which we were able to match fund giving us a total funding pot of £100,000.
After a game of ‘heads and tails’ to break the ice, Nathan Cooper from Bucks Radio expertly compered the event introducing the ten charities who presented to the Angels. Stop watch in hand he made sure that everyone kept to their two minutes to pitch with a further four minute Q&A session.
The Angels retired to a quiet room to deliberate while our guests enjoyed drinks and canapes while listening to music provided by the duo the Silver Surfers. It was then time to hear the results. Every charity was awarded a share of the £100,000 pot and a certificate. The awards are listed below. The evening ended with a musical recital from Jacob Cole a talented singer from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.
We would like to thank everyone who helped to make our first Angels’ Den so special.
We will be hosting our next Angels’ Den in September 2024 and inviting charities to submit applications in the new year.
You can watch a short video of the event highlights here.
£20,000 - One Eighty

£17,000 - Inspire Bucks

£14,000 - Missenden Walled Garden

£7,000 - Calibre Audio

£7,000 - Chiltern Music Therapy

£7,000 - Chiltern Rangers

£7,000 - Connection Support

£7,000 - Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity

£7,000 - Restore Hope

£7,000 - Tall Ships Youth Trust