A grant for Seerah Today supports their Family Rescue Parcels

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The Clare Foundation provides Seerah Today with a grant to support their Family Rescue Parcels project

Seerah Today provide essential parcels to people who are moving to new housing, sometimes this can be after a period of homelessness and sometimes as a result of a family break-up, They also provide support to families on very low income, who are receiving the help of Red Kite Community Housing. Clients may be placed into temporary accommodation or women’s refuges. Seerah Today organise parcels consisting of good quality, donated household items to help these individuals and families set up in their new home.

The Clare Foundation provided Seerah Today with a grant to help support this project. We initially supported with their storage unit costs, as a dedicated unit was needed to collate and pack the donations of household items and clothing.  The charity have now secured storage in a garage, which is proving more cost effective and easier to operate. The remaining funds can now be spent directly on the parcels instead.

About Seerah Today

Seerah Today serves Muslims in Buckinghamshire and West London in their religious practice. Amongst its other activities the charity provides religious education and an Islamic lending library, activities to spread awareness and understanding of Islam, and to promote community cohesion. Seerah Today also provides specialist services for the specific sections of the community such as women, older and young people and represents the community on various faith, community and volunteer groups. https://seerahtoday.org/


After setting up their storage centre with some shelving units, the centre became more organised and Seerah Today was able to have 2 broadly separate operations which were Childrens’ Clothes Parcels and the Family Essentials Parcels. The storage space meant that they could easily receive donations at any time to completely stock up with the generous donations of High Wycombe locals quite quickly.

Seerah Today’s progress

“We have established good relationships with Red Kite Community Housing and Wycombe Homeless Connection through this initiative and this has been in part because of the generous funding from The Clare Foundation.  These relationships have led to further initiatives in the community such as Eid presents for children with Red Kite and WWSET and the development of some interfaith work with members of Wycombe Homeless Connection”

Seerah Today may be contacted at contact@seerahtoday.org to request a parcel. All referrals must be made by a charity or community organisation.

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