Chiltern Music Therapy – Social Prescribing Day

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On 12th February, The Clare Foundation was pleased to be able to attend Chiltern Music Therapy’s Social Prescribing Day at the White Hill Centre in Chesham. The aim was to spotlight existing community services, showcase the benefits of social prescribing and to foster collaboration, between organisations across Buckinghamshire. The event also enabled attendees to explore the therapeutic benefits of music for themselves through interactive group exercises.

The event brought together a diverse mix of participants from a range of Buckinghamshire charities, CICs and community groups, and representatives from Buckinghamshire Council and Chesham Town Council. The event was successful in raising awareness of existing social prescribing offers and it helped to strengthen partnerships, laying the groundwork for future referrals and creative initiatives within the community.

Chiltern Music Therapy's Social Prescribing Day - group participation
Chiltern Music Therapy's Social Prescribing Day - group participation
What The Day Included

The day began with a warm welcome from Chiltern Music Therapist Gareth, setting the tone for an interactive and engaging agenda. Attendees participated in a group sing-along, followed by a productive and enjoyable networking session, allowing participants to connect and learn more about each other’s work and organisations.

An integral part of the event was a community-focused presentation that delved into the role of music therapy in enhancing well-being. Through case studies and videos, attendees gained valuable insights into the therapeutic benefits of music and its potential to unite communities.

Participants also found out about Chiltern Music Therapy’s new inclusive dementia group project, made possible with a £7,000 grant from The Clare Foundation’s 2023 Angels’ Den event. The project will offer therapeutic music sessions for individuals with neurodegenerative and mental health conditions. Led by Chiltern Music Therapists, in partnership with professional musicians from The English Sinfonia, the project aims to enhance communication and quality of life through music, with referrals being accepted from Social Prescribers and local organisations. The project will conclude with a community music therapy performance in Chesham on 14th July 2024.

Chiltern Music Therapy's logo
Participants at Chiltern Music Therapy's Social Prescribing Day
Participants at Chiltern Music Therapy's Social Prescribing Day

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