Mike Clare, Founder and Chairman of TCF, pays tribute to HM Queen Elizabeth II

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It is with great sadness that I learned of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Julie and I have been fortunate to meet The Queen and she was lovely, witty and generous. We offer our deepest sympathy and condolences, to our new King, Charles III and all of The Queen’s family members. Her reign will be remembered fondly as The Queen of our Nation and the Commonwealth, a leader who inspired and dedicated her life to that of her people, and witnessed many changes and milestones in her lifetime. May perpetual light shine upon her and may she rest in peace.

Mike Clare, Founder and Chairman of The Clare Foundation

HM Queen Elizabeth II attending Thames Hospice with Princess Anne, Mike Clare, Founder of The Clare Foundation and Debbie Raven, CEO of Thames Hospice
Mike Clare, Founder of The Clare Foundation, meeting HM Queen Elizabeth II
Mike Clare, Founder of The Clare Foundation, meeting His Highness Prince Charles

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