Bucks COVID-19 mass vaccination programme

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Bucks COVID-19 mass vaccination programme – Latest Update

Published: 17th January 2021

The Clare Foundation are continuing to work in partnership with Community Impact Bucks to manage the Buckinghamshire Covid-19 Volunteer Matching Service. The most pressing need right now is for volunteers to support the vaccination sessions at various locations across the county.

Since mid-December we have been handling requests for volunteers to support the vaccination sessions at various sites across Buckinghamshire. We matched over 40 of our volunteers to nearly 100 shifts as car park marshals across those locations so far and many of those volunteers have already agreed to take on repeat sessions in the coming weeks.

Buckinghamshire Council have produced a useful set of resources for Buckinghamshire residents which can be found below –

A website page is now live for vaccines: https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/coronavirus/community-hub/covid-19-vaccination-programme/

Vaccine FAQs: https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/coronavirus/community-hub/covid-19-vaccination-programme/covid-vaccine-faqs/

Info about transport to vaccine appointments: https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/coronavirus/community-hub/covid-19-vaccination-programme/getting-residents-to-vaccination-appointments/

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