Bucks Charity Events Specialists

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Bucks Charity Events Specialists get together – enabling Buckinghamshire charities to access the Collective

On Monday 10th January, we hosted a virtual get together for the members of our Bucks Charity Events Specialists Support Programme. 

The interactive session was led by Jane Curtis, Founder of Charity Events Specialists and The Collective. We asked each of our members to come prepared with:

  • A challenge you have experienced with regards your events this past 6 months (could be that you have had to postpone/cancel or move activity online or perhaps you’ve got staff shortages or lack of investment to trial new events or something else entirely!)
  • A win you have experienced (e.g. a new event that you’ve launched, success with signing up people to an event, you’ve hit your income target for an event or something else entirely!)
  • A lesson you have learnt (e.g. Something about how you approached your work, taking risks, not being so hard on yourself etc…
  • A focus for your events programme moving forward into 2022. (e.g. Where can you focus your energy for the best results?)

​We split into two groups to share our challenges, wins, lessons and what we aim to focus on in 2022 – we found this a really useful exercise as so often there isn’t time for reflection between the different events in our fundraising calendars. It was energising to realise how many positives and learning had come out of difficult situations.

Sasha from Hearing Dogs for Deaf People also gave a presentation about her successful hybrid Santa Paws event and how utilising Give Panel and Facebook had enabled the virtual event to reach a bigger audience. Ultimately raising over £23,000. 

The Clare Foundation are delighted to see how the Charity Events Specialists Support Programme is enabling Buckinghamshire charities to access the Collective. Membership of The Collective enables event fundraisers to share tips, tricks and skills and learn from other event fundraisers. Through connection, mentoring and event specific training, event fundraisers grow and become more resilient and confident; in turn making them better fundraisers and ensuring their programmes are fit for purpose now and in the future.

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